
Why Do Cats Knead Their Humans?


You may have had this experience before. You are sitting on the couch reading a good book or watching TV, when your cat decides to join you.

You notice that he or she gingerly hops onto the couch and then steps into your lap and starts- kneadng your leg like biscuits? What???

Why do cats knead their humans? It may seem like a random and strange behaviour, but there are many theories and reasons as to why our cuddly cats may knead us.

To answer this important question, we need to understand what kneading is, why your cat may knead you personally, where this behaviour comes from, and what to do if their claws come out- on the furniture or you! Ouch!

Remember that while there are many theories as to why a cat may knead their human, each cat is unique. Look for your cat’s own ‘kneading style’ to strengthen your cat-human relationship.

 To Understand “Why Do Cats Knead Their Humans?” Define Kneading.

If your cat hops on your lap and kneads you, and you find yourself asking “why do cats knead their humans?” Do not be alarmed! Know that many others have asked the same question. Although this experience can take you by surprise, there are explanations for it!

Kneading looks just like, well, kneading. If you have ever made bread,  biscuits, or other baked goods, you may have performed this action yourself. When you knead bread, you press your hands and fists in and out of the dough. In a similar way, you may have noticed your cat pressing its paws into and out of a soft surface of some kind.

black and while cat paws

Kneading is instinctive to cats and there is no reason to be alarmed if your cat is doing this.  In fact, kittens and adult cats alike knead. That being said, some cats do not knead. This is also nothing to be concerned about.

Truly like a cat, all cats have their own way of kneading. PetMD explains that each cat even has its own technique for kneading. Some will use their claws, some will not use claws; others will use all four paws! Some felines will knead and purr when they are happy, and some will knead at very random times.

This should come as no surprise that no two cats knead the same way. After all, what two cats are the same in any way, really? Cat parents know how unique each fur kid can be. Take a moment sometime to observe if your cat kneads, how they knead, and why.

Learning about this unique aspect of your kitty’s behavior will strengthen your human-cat bond.

white cat sleeping on a white bed with paws out

Why Do Cats Knead Their Humans? Namely, Me?

So, if your cat hops into your lap and starts kneading you, why are they doing this?

PetMd states that “if your cat is curled up and kneading your lap while you’re petting him, he’s returning the affection and telling you he loves you right back.”

The AAHA (American animal hospital association) elaborates on this idea:

Kneading … convey(s) comfort — Happy cats appear to knead to show pleasure. Cats often knead while being petted, or when snuggling into a napping spot. Your cat may also knead on your lap to show her love and contentment, and then settle in for a pat or nap.”

Clearly, if your cat is kneading you while they are snuggled up or snuggling. up on your lap, they are expressing their happiness, contentment, and relaxation, and possibly even their affection- for you.

If you are interacting with your cat, playing with them, snuggling, petting their head, then they are most likely very happy. Kneading is an instinctual display of this contentment and joy.

Picture of a tiger with paws in front

This Is Still A Little Strange: Where Does This Instinct Come From?

Many theories exist as to why cats knead, without one definitive answer- unless you consider that all of them could be equally true.

According to the AAHA, there are four more popular theories:

  • Cats knead as kittens when they are. nursing, and. they keep this behavior as adults
  • It appears to be relaxing and soothing for them- cats knead to convey comfort, contentment, and happiness
  • They knead themselves a soft bed. Cats’ ancestors kneaded tall grass into softer piles to sleep on
  • Cats knead to leave their mark. There are strong scent glands in their paws. Kneading leaves their scent on the object kneaded, saying to others that this territory is theirs!

For my cat,  I have. seen evidence of all of. these theories, with. the exception of the first. I’m. not sure how you would gather evidence that your cat is ‘nursing’ you!

When my cat is most content, as evidenced by purring, head butt’s, snuggles, as well as a contented look all over his face, he has been known to knead a blanket he is on or my leg if he is curled up on my lap. As well,  this may happen when I give him scratches behind the ears or pets on the head.

My cat will also knead a cat bed, blanket, or other surfaces, (including me), a lot if he is about to take a snooze. He will do this. on a bed, too, sometimes in lumpy areas- almost as if he. kneading himself a comfy pile of blankets to sleep on.

He will even knead my lap and then turn around in circles a. couple of times like he is a puppy!

In addition, my cat marks surfaces with his scent that he likes all the time- particularly on the sides of his cheeks-   so it comes as no surprise to me that he could be also marking his resting place as his own, to ward off. any theives.

Orange cat with paw up and a claw out

Why Do Cats Knead Their Humans With Their Claws Out?

When I first saw my cat knead, I was so surprised. It seemed like a ‘kitten’ behavior. My cat was fully grown. It was as if adults suddenly started using soothers and rattles again! But it was also very sweet. And then I yelped because my cat’s claws had come out and stabbed me in the leg!

So what do you do if your cat is kneading you with their claws out,  our kneading on a surface that you don’t want full of claw marks? Firstly do not punish or reprimand your cat! Kneadings is part of their genetic makeup, and they are not trying to hurt you, annoy you, or purposely destroy property.

Most of the time, kneading is a compliment. It’s a sign that they feel safe in the home you have created for them, and they are showing you their joy. Other times, they may knead you as a sign of affection- it means they really love their owner and the safety your home provides for them!

Allaboutcats gives us some practical solutions for kneading.

If your cat is kneading you with their claws out, make sure you have a thick blanket as a buffer. I have personally done this. If I’m lying on the couch and my cat hops on my lap I will put the blanket between us, and his claws won’t reach me. Or, I make sure I have a blanket on my legs anytime I sit down and my cat is around.

Other tips from Allaboutcats (brackets are my comments added):

  • If you don’t want your cat to knead on you or on the furniture, try to gently pick them up and place them on another surface, such as their own bed or a soft blanket. (Make sure it is a surface they like and will want to stay on so they don’t go back to the original furniture you are trying to preserve!)
  • You can direct your cat’s behavior by distracting them with a toy or treat. When your cat starts to knead, offer the treat or toy – eventually, your cat should start favoring the new behavior. (I love redirecting attention, I think. it works wonders. Everyone wins. You and your cat- and no one’s feelings are hurt!)
  • Keep your cat’s nails trimmed to prevent it from hooking on clothing or hurting you. Ideally, you should trim your cat’s claw’s every 10 to 14 days. (I don’t do this personally but I can see how it would be a good idea. But please do not declaw your cat! Cats need their claws like we need fingers. Seek other solutions- they are out there and you will find them).
  • Try using pheromones spray or Feliway products to encourage your cat to knead on other more appropriate surfaces.(Haven’t tried this one personally, but I will definitely one day- sounds like a solid idea).


Now you know why a cat may need you the human!

Kneading commonly convey’s comfort, contentment, and happiness — creating an even more soothing, calm mood for your cat.

Remember that there are positive solutions to your cat kneading you with their claws out, and revisit the tips here for guidance.

Never forget that your kitty kneading you is a big “I love you human!” And notice the joy on your kitty’s face 🙂

Got kneading stories? Please fill us in below in the comments!



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