
Why Does My Cat Rub His Face On My Phone? (The Top Reasons!)

Have you ever wondered, “Why does my cat rub his face on my phone?”

It’s not something humans do after all, is it?

When you are spending time with a friend, they don’t grab your phone and rub it on their cheeks.

But, your cat will do this!

You may be beside your cat on the couch, quickly sending a text to a friend, when your furry pal dives in and rubs his face on your phone.

Although this is truly adorable, it is also kind of weird when you stop to think about it.

So why is your cat doing this?


Why Does My Cat Rub His Face On My Phone?

The first reason that your cat will rub his face on your phone is that cats have scent glands on their face, and they are rubbing their scent on your phone for various reasons, such as marking territory, leaving information for other cats to read, and creating a communal scent with yours. The second reason is that your cat is intelligent just like you and may have noticed you are spending a lot of time on your phone. In other words, your cat is trying to get your attention! Interrupting your phone use means you will see and notice your cat, and possibly divert your attention toward your cat, which is your kitty’s master plan! Thirdly, your cat may want something, such as food or water. Fourthly, your cat could be seeing your phone as an extension of your body and simply saying hi and wanting to show you (and phone) love. Fifth, your cat may be trying to bond with you, and lastly, your cat may be greeting you in typical cat fashion.

Cats Have Scent Glands On Their Face

You may not realize that cats have glands on their heads that release their scent. These are placed on the sides of their faces, under their chin, and around their mouths. When they rub their face on something, they can rub their scent on that object.

Leaving scent on objects is useful for your cat and is part of their ‘cat culture.’

Marking Territory- Leaving Information For Other Cats To Read

Cats, especially male cats, will rub their scents on things so that if another male cat comes along, that cat is warned that there is another male cat on the premise. This can be a way of preventing fights between cats.

A fresh male cat smell lets the other male cat know that the other cat was around recently and probably will be back soon.

It is possible that your cat is claiming your phone as their own, and marking it as ‘theirs’ with their scent for future cats to read.

This could also be the case if you live in a multi-cat household.

Creating A Communal Scent With Yours

When cats live together, they sometimes rub each other’s faces. This is a smart thing for them to do, because it mingles their scents, creating a communal scent. A communal scent is a sign of safety.

When your cat rubs your phone, he or she could also be creating a communal scent with you. Your scent is all over your phone.

It is possible that your scent is very strongly attached to your phone, because, if you are like most people, you probably use it all the time and never clean it.

Gathering Information

Your cat can also sleuth out useful information as they rub up on things. If another animal has left their mark on your phone, rubbing up on your phone will tell them if that animal was around recently, and even if they are male or female.

Your Cat Is Trying To Get Your Attention

In our day and age, what could compete for our attention more than our phone?

Because we tend to spend a lot of time on our phones, phones can also become a competitor with your cat for your attention.

In a similar way, if you spend a lot of time on a laptop or a computer, you will probably often find your cat sitting right on your keyboard.

Take some time to consider how much time you spend with your cat. Cats need a lot more attention and play time than we realize.

Spend some quality time with your cat! They are paying you the compliment of wanting your attention 🙂

Your Cat May Want Something

If your cat continues to vie for your attention after you have let him rub your phone and given him some quality time and attention, he may want something.

Put your phone down and see if they lead you somewhere.

My cat will let me scratch him and then walk off a few steps. If I follow him, I usually find he is at the spot where I give him water, at the door to go outside, or at the door to the fridge.

It may be helpful to consider if there are other times that your cat rubs up against you or something that you are holding. What is it that they usually are wanting at that moment? Food, a pat on the head?

Considering your cat’s needs when they rub up against your phone is a smart thing to do.

Don’t neglect any significant needs your cat shows you, even if he or she shows you in a subtle way.

Your cat is a very smart little thing; they are very aware that if they interrupt your phone use, they will have your attention. Your cat can even become a good reminder to spend less time on your device!

Wanting To Show You (And Phone) Love

If your cat rubs your phone and you give them some love back, only to see them walk contentedly away, they may have just been saying, “hi,” or wanting to show you some affection and love.

You love your cat and guess what, your cat loves you too!

It’s easy to forget the simple things. Sometimes your cat just wants to say hi and show affection, like you often want to say hi and show affection to your cat.

It’s nice to know that the feelings are mutual.

As well, your cat may be viewing your phone as an extension of yourself. So, if your cat is saying hi to your phone, he or she is really saying hi to you.

Trying To Bond With You

Katelyn Schutz, CPDT, at Wisconsin Pet Care puts this bonding process well.

“When your loving cat comes up and affectionately head-butts you, this is his way of bonding with you! He is marking you with his friendly facial pheromones, indicating a sense of familiarity and comfort.”

How quickly we assign “wanting to bond with owners” to dogs and puppies only, but this is actually not the case.

In fact, as a kitten, your cat’s mother cat would have taught them to rub faces to bond and greet friendly others.

Greeting You In Typical And Special Cat Fashion

Wailani Sung, DVM, notes that cats will bump heads with other cats as a form of greeting if they live in communities with other felines.

In this case with other cats, bumping heads is a sign of affection as well as a greeting, and Sung postulates that when cats rub their faces on humans- (or something they are holding!)- they are staying true to this natural form of cat greeting.

In other words, your cat is treating you as a cat, and one of the pack. You have earned a traditional cat greeting for your great work as a cat owner and companion.

I have a feeling that if you rub your cat on its side with your head, it will understand.


Almost every cat will rub their face on humans, other cats, and things- including your phone. We love this about our cats. It’s one of the endearing behaviours that are so unique to them.

Understanding the ‘why’ behind your cat rubbing your phone creates a better bond with your cat and will help you be the best steward of your pet that you can be.

When looking into the ‘why,’ remember the top reasons that a cat will rub their face on your phone:

  • scent marking
  • attention-grabbing
  • requesting something
  • showing love and affection
  • trying to bond with you
  • typical cat greeting in cat fashion.

Happy bonding!

Interested in the psychology behind why your cat does what they do? Check out these quirky articles on why your cat will sit in a sink and why your cat will meow at your ceiling.

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