
Why is my cat obsessed with the sink? Yes, its a thing.

You’ve had too much coffee this morning, and, shortly afterward, you find yourself heading to your bathroom.

Pushing the door open, what you find makes you jump out of your skin.

Your cat is chilling in the bathroom sink, with a massive grin on its face!

Your cat has curled up on your laundry, your favourite sweatshirt, a pile of towels, your kitchen table, and your dining room table, but never have you seen your cat in your sink!

Do other cats even do this?

What is going on here? Why is my cat in my bathroom sink?


Why is my cat obsessed with the sink?

When it comes to determining why your cat is obsessed and addicted to the sink, consider these most common reasons:

  1. Is your cat enjoying the sink as a bed?
  2. Trying to cool off?
  3. Vibing in a high place where they can survey their kingdom?
  4. Trying to get your attention in a place where you have built a connection? (You gave them love and attention last time they were in the sink, so why not try again now?)

Conversely, your cat could be attracted to the place because of the freshwater component:

5. Are they looking for clean water?

6. Fascinated by running water?

7. Looking for a play experience with sparkly water from the faucet?’

8. Rejecting the placement of their water bowl or the taste of the water from a plastic cat bowl?

It may seem like your cat is the only cat that likes to hang out in the sink. But, remember this: many cat owners experience their cats hopping in sinks.

If you try to see the sink through your cat’s eyes, considering the reasons above, and testing them with your cat, you will be well on your way to determining why your cat is so obsessive about the bathroom sink!


1. It molds perfectly to their body shape, like the perfect cat bed

Can you blame them? The sink is like a porcelain hammock. Cats are the perfect size to lounge in this lovely sleeping spot. Their body molds to fit the sink, and the sink to their body. In other words, this is a golden opportunity to take a cat nap!

Moreover, the space is tight and cozy buy not too much- if a predator comes, a sink is easy to escape from. A cozy safe hideaway, that doesn’t hedge your cat in, is exactly what cats love.

2. The ceramic and porcelain are cool. Your cat may be trying to cool off.

It could be hot outside or just too hot for your cat indoors. It may be a hot summer day, or maybe a cold winter day- you just have the heat on too high for your little furball.

Cats have a different inner thermostat than us. One thing is for sure. Your cat knows where to go to cool down.

While you may prefer a cool pool, air conditioning, or a fan, the sinks and countertops of your house are actually a smart spot for your kitty to go to cool off.

Countertops and sinks are very cool on their paws, which are extremely sensitive. Similarly, the hair on your cat’s body is also very sensitive- so a cool countertop or ceramic sink against their body goes a long way to cooling them.

cat sitting in a sink

3. They are up high where they can survey their kingdom

One of the first things I noticed as a cat owner was how much my cat loved to jump up and be on something high off the ground.

To your cat, a high spot gives them control. They can survey what is going on below, and be ready to pounce on anything that intrudes into their kingdom.

As a hiding spot, they can also be safe up high from predators- like your robot vacuum cleaner or your unpredictable 2- year old.

Combine this with a comfy bed – the sink- and your cat has a winning spot to hang out!

4. They may have a hunch you will need the sink soon, and be looking for love and attention.

Especially if they have built an association with you and the sink, cats can definitely do this.

I can just hear you now. “No, I would never give my cat attention in the sink… oh wait …I think I… oh wait I definitely did like 30 minutes ago… ” and then insert-nervous-laughter-here.

That’s right. The last time your cat was in the sink, did you think it was adorable, (because it totally was, of course), and go in for pets and snuggles? Did you even take a picture on your phone? I bet you did!

Someone is clever and remembers that experience.

Hmm. I wonder who.

You can take it as a compliment! Your cat loves you and wants attention and affection from you. Now, that is adorable!

For more on what cats love, check out the following article here. 

5. They like to drink running water over stagnant water

Cats are drawn to running water, because of their wild instincts. In the wild, running water is typically fresh and safe to drink. On the other hand, stagnant water can be a breeding ground for bacteria and toxins. Your sink is a safe source of water for your cat.

black cat in a sink drinking water bouncing off his head

6. They are fascinated by running water

Cats also love sparkly things that dance around, like running water from a tap. Just look at almost every cat toy you can purchase. All that quick movement resembles their favorite breakfast (mouse) running around, asking to be chased.

Put these two things together, and the spot where running water often comes out, sparkling and dancing around- the tap from your sink- gives your kitty good vibes and happy emotions.

7. A fun interactive play experience

As mentioned above, maybe they will get a chance to see the sparkling water and swipe at it or get a fresh drink. If not, why not hang out close by just in case? Seems like the place to be!

The sink is a fun play place, after all.

8. It’s not in the same place as the food/litter box

What some cat owners don’t realize, is that cats prefer to have their water away from their litter box and their food. This is a great way to keep their water clean. Litter and pieces of food cannot trail into their water source.

In the great outdoors, you will not find a cat feeding near a water source. A cat doesn’t want to contaminate the water with its prey.

Due to your cat’s great sense of smell, some cats also don’t like to smell their food (or their litter!) when they are drinking.

For these reasons, if your cat’s food bowl or litter box is currently close to their water bowl, your cat may opt to drink from the sink if it is not close to the food bowl or litter box.

white cat with blue eyes in a bathroom sink

9. They don’t like the taste of water from plastic bowls, and the water tastes way better coming from the faucet

Water quickly becomes stale and room temperature in a standard cat water dish. In contrast, water in a sink is fresh and cool.

Also, water in a plastic cat dish can quickly take on the flavor of the plastic bowl it’s in. There is no danger of this happening with water flowing fresh from a faucet.

10. Quiet time

Cats can be chaos-disliking, routine-loving, creatures. If other rooms in your house are noisy, your cat may have chosen the bathroom as a quiet space of reprieve, for rest and relaxation.

Washrooms and bathrooms are generally quieter rooms that are free of the high-volume traffic of other rooms, such as. a kitchen or great room.

Cats do not take well to constant noise, business, and especially not chaos. A quiet room with a lovely resting place like the sink can be a real draw for your cat, especially if they don’t have other spaces of their own that are quiet to relax in.

If you don’t want your cat in the sink, consider creating a space away from the traffic, noise, and chaos of the house where your cat can unwind.

A comfy bed in this spot that is safe and quiet may then become preferred to the sink. You can also train your cat to prefer a quiet room with treats and other items that attract them and make that place their quiet home or quiet spot within your home.

Cat with paws on the ledge of a bathtub

11. It’s a thing. Cat examples.

Cat in a sink?

I was doubtful at first. My cat has never hopped in the sink. I thought this might be a rare occurrence for cats.

(My cat does, however, love water from the bathtub, and he went through a phase where he would drink from the toilet).

I did some research and I found that -wow- lots of cat owners have experienced this.

Also, if you would like some entertainment on a coffee break, search images on google of cats in sinks!

Quora and Reddit are full of posts on cat-sink obsessions and cats playing with the water from faucets. Who knew?

For more on strange things that cats do that are actually normal, consult the following articles:

cats meowing at the ceiling

cats afraid of ceiling fans


There are many reasons why your cat may like to hop in the sink. Listing them all would, of course, be impossible. We hope this article gets you thinking about the most common reasons, so you can tune into the reason why your cat is sleeping in the sink.

Key Learning Points

  • Your cat is not weird! (Okay, maybe a little bit). But, many, many cat owners experience their cats hopping into their sinks.
  • There are many reasons why your cat could be attracted to the sink.

Key Action Points

  • Think about the reasons why other cats commonly hop into the sink, compiled here, and see if any of them fit your cat.
  • If you see a scenario you think may apply to your cat, you can test it to see if it’s the case. For example, if your cat likes your sink because of the freshwater, and your cat’s water bowl is near their food bowl, try moving it away from the food bowl. Then, after some time, check in to see if your cat still wants to drink from the sink (or even hang out in the sink.)

Key Takeaways

  • There is a reason why your cat is in the sink, and if you want to solve this mystery- maybe because you are curious, prefer your cat not to be in the sink but hang out elsewhere, or maybe you are concerned for your cat- it can be done.
  • Cats in sinks are adorable. Or bathtubs. We’re not too picky! 

cat peeping head out of bathtub

In Summary

When it comes to determining why your cat is obsessed and addicted to the sink, consider these common reasons: is your cat enjoying the sink as a bed?; trying to cool off?; or vibing in a high place where they can survey their kingdom?; trying to get your attention in a place where you have built a connection?;

Conversely, is your cat attracted to the place because they are looking for clean water?; fascinated by running water?; looking for a play experience with sparkly water from the faucet?’ rejecting the placement of their water bowl or the taste of the water from a plastic cat bowl?

Remember, cats in sinks is actually a common occurrence. Testing the reasons why your cat is in the sink may yield surprising and interesting results, giving you a window into the mind of your own furry friend.

Feel free to drop a comment or a picture of your fur ball in a sink below! We would love to hear from you!

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