
Wild cat breeds: A Comprehensive Guide


There are many wild cat breeds that exist throughout the world. Some of them have been domesticated and bred for generations, while others still live in the wild. These animals represent a very diverse group with different appearances, habits, and habitats. If you want to know about wild cat breeds, this is the blog post for you! We will be discussing wild cat breeds from every part of the world, with a focus on wild cat breeds of North America.

How many types of wild cats are there?

There are 38 different species of wild cats in the world. This number includes lions, tigers, and leopards. The most common type of cat is probably the house cat.

There is some debate over how many different species of wild cats truly exist in the world.

There are dozens of wild cat species, but scientists cannot agree on how many exactly there are because the taxonomy is complicated, and ongoing genetic research still needs to be done.

For example, the Sunda Leopard Cat, traditionally classified as a subspecies of the Leopard Cat, was determined to be its own species in early 2017. As such, it is now called Mainland Leopard Cat and no longer a part of the former classification. This decision was based on the Sunda Leopard Cat’s differences in genetics from the mainland leopard cat.

Most sources will claim 38- 40 different wild cat breeds, and National Geographic is set on 38. 

Interested in more information on wild cat breeds? Check out this comprehensive list of all wild cat breeds known to us today.

What wild cat breeds live in Canada and the US (North America)?

The wild cat breeds that live in North America are the cougar, lynx, bobcat, ocelot, and jaguarundi. North America hosts two major groups of big wild cats and four minor ones. The first group includes the jaguar and the cougar while the second contains ocelot, the Canadian lynx, bobcat, and jaguarundi. The jaguar once was found in parts of the Southern United States. It’s population in this area has declined, and as of now, jaguar populations are more concentrated in South America. Therefore, jaguars will not be included in this blog, but technically speaking, they could still be considered a North American wild cat. Here is a list of North America’s wild cats: 

  • Canadian lynx
  • Bobcat
  • Jaguarundi
  • Cougar
  • Ocelot

Canadian Lynx in the Snow

The Canadian Lynx

The Canadian Lynx is a medium-sized wild cat that lives in the forests and boreal regions of North America. It is one of four lynx species on Earth, with a body length between three to six feet long. Its tail usually measures between two to five inches long; its legs are about twenty-eight inches long; it weighs up to fifty pounds.

The Canadian Lynx feeds mostly on snowshoe hares, but will also hunt other animals such as small mammals and birds. The Canadian Lynx has a short, dense coat with dark tufts of fur on the ears that help break up its outline in the snowy environment where it lives.

This creature is typically found in high altitude regions throughout Canada, such as Alberta, if you want to find one in the wild. You’ll see them in the Canadian Rockies and Yukon.

Canadian Lynx in a tree

Is it common to see a Canadian Lynx in the wild?

The Canadian Lynx is not a common species of wild cat. The feline lives in Canada, which means that they are found at high altitude regions throughout the country, as previously mentioned, like Alberta and Yukon. In these areas, you may spot them hunting snowshoe hares. But if you want to see one for yourself out in the wild, then you’ll have to go skiing in the Canadian Rockies or Yukon. Even then you may just have to get lucky!

Resting Lynx

It is not common for a person to see one of these wild cats while they are out and about on hikes, but if you happen to glimpse one then you will know what an amazing creature this animal really is!

The Bobcat


The Bobcat

The Bobcat is not as large or common as the Canada lynx, but it is still an animal that has been seen in many places. The Bobcat is a solitary nocturnal mammal and mostly hunts small animals such as rodents. It does not usually eat plant matter unless there are few other food options available to them.

To find one, you need to travel to the southern United States, Canada, or South America. They live in forested areas and grasslands but may also be found on the edge of a woodsy area near a housing development.

The Bobcat is considered to have low conservation status because there are many of them still living in various parts of the world with new populations being reported frequently.

In terms of its measurements, the Bobcat is about double the size of a medium-sized house cat, being 26 -41 inches long from nose to tail. It has smoky gray fur with large black spots and white underparts. However, the Bobcat can come in other colors, such as shades of rusty brown. The tail, which has black hair on its tip, can measure four to seven inches in length from end to tip. Since it is a short tail, the tail looks ‘bobbed,’ and hence the name! They range in weight from 11 – 30 pounds..

How likely am I to see one in the wild?

You have a good chance of seeing one in the wild if you are out hiking or at the right place and time. Bobcats can be seen on trails, where they look for food like rabbits, grouse, squirrels and birds. They also eat crayfish, frogs and mice.

Bobcats may occasionally wander into backyards. When they are found in residential areas, they are typically in search of prey around bird feeders, pet food dishes and garbage cans.

Bobcats live on the prairies and forests of North America from southern Canada to northern Mexico, but there have also been sightings as far away as Northern Ireland.

A Jaguarundi

The Jaguarundi

The Jaguarundi is found in North America and is typically nocturnal. Specifically, the Jagurundi is found in eastern Mexico and the southwestern United States. They are also spotted in Central America, as far north as Belize.

The Jaguars prefers habitats that are close to water sources (for example wetlands). They primarily live near lowland forests as well as scrublands or deserts but can also be found in agricultural lands, grasslands and near urban areas.

The Jaguarundi is the smallest wild cat in North America. In fact, it’s often mistaken for a small dog or weasel because of its short stature and long tail that resembles a rat’s tail (and sometimes has black spots on it).

The Jaguarundi is one of four species of small wild cats that live on both North and South American continents, with other members including the Pampas cat, Geoffroy’s Cat and Margay.

It eats lizards, snakes, frogs, birds (even large species), rodents and small mammals. It may also eat insects or other invertebrates such as scorpions when it cannot find a more desirable prey item.

In terms of its size, the Jaguarundi is the smallest wildcat in North America. It typically weighs between 15 and 29 pounds, with a head-body length of 16 inches to 20 inches long.

How likely am I to see one in the wild?

The Jaguarundi is not found in any specific region, but lives throughout Central America as well as the south and southeastern parts of the United States.

A few places where you might spot one would be in Florida, Texas, Alabama or Louisiana.

In particular, the Jaguarundi has been seen in Florida suburbs, hunting mice.


The Cougar

The cougar is the second-largest cat in the world, after its bigger cousin: the lion. A cougar typically weighs between 100 and 250 pounds with a head-body length of six to nine feet long.

In terms of size, it is one of the heaviest wildcats around today.

The cougar has a large head with small round ears. It is typically covered in black rosettes or spots but can also be brownish-tan to light grey in color! Its tail is long and tapers towards the end of it.

Cougars are powerful predators who will take down animals. For dinner, cougars might hunt a deer, elk or moose. These are also large animals in their own right!

In certain areas of North America cougars are also known to prey on smaller animals like rabbits and hares.

It has long claws which it uses for climbing trees as well as catching its kill. The cougar’s ability to climb trees is what makes hunting in forested areas easy for it. Additionally, a cougar can run as fast as 40 mph. Cougars are also good swimmers, able to hunt in water if necessary.

The cougar is a solitary animal and typically inhabits forests and grasslands—preferring areas with large prey populations like deer and elk herds or moose colonies. Areas of North America that it usually inhabits are California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.

In Canada, cougars most often live in the Rocky Mountains, with populations more likely to be found on Vancouver Island. In B.C. you can also find cougars in the Coast Mountains and Kootenays. In Alberta, there are both mountain lions (a different sub-species of cougar) and eastern cougars.

In North Dakota, you can also find cougars in the southwest corner near Bismarck as well as along the Montana border near lake Sakakawea.

Cougars have a large range and are one of the widest distributed members of the cat family. They can live virtually anywhere that is warm enough all year round!

How likely am I to see one in the wild?

A cougar is not a cat that you want to see in the wild, although they are only very rarely seen in the wild. They will eat you for dinner, so you better stay away!

If you are hiking in cougar country, be aware and keep your dog on a leash. If they’ve been spotted nearby, people will often post warning signs about the area. Do everything that you can to stay safe!

You may also see cougars at national parks or large preserves such as Banff National Park (Alberta) or Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming).

An Ocelot

The Ocelot

The Ocelot is a close relative of the leopard, but it is only one third its size. It lives in Central and South America, as well as parts of North America. They are mostly nocturnal.

The weight and size of these animals varies, but they are often between 18 and 27 inches long (head to tail) or about the size of a domestic cat. They weigh between 18-25 pounds.

The Ocelot eats small mammals such as rodents, birds, lizards, monkeys and deer. They like to climb up into trees at night looking for food.

In North America they can be found in Texas and Louisiana, but they are more concentrated in Central America. Ocelots live all over the southern United States and northern parts of South America.

Their habitat is usually dense with plenty of trees to climb among for hunting prey. They can survive on the ground as well.

The Ocelot will stay near water sources such as rivers or streams too because that helps them find food easier.

The Ocelot looks like a mix between a domestic cat and a housecat, but they are considerably larger. They have dark vertical stripes on their head that go down their back or spine. An Ocelot’s coloring is a rusty brown with black spots that are more common in juveniles than adults.

How likely am I to see one in the wild?

Ocelots are shy, nocturnal animals and because of that, it’s hard to see them in the wild.

They spend their days resting high up in trees or on rocks near water sources so they can keep a lookout for prey.

Some people have reported Ocelots in dense areas of forests, but they are probably just a different type of wild cat.

Unless your this guy…

What are some rare wildcats?

Some wild cat breeds are rare. Here are some rare wild cats:

– The Amur Leopard is recognized as one of the rarest cats in the world. The Amur Leopard is a leopard that lives in the Russian Far East. It has been hunted to near extinction by poachers for its beautiful fur and spotted skin, which many believe bring luck.

The Amur Leopard is the largest of all leopards. Its measurements when full-grown are :

  • Length: about 42- 54 inches
  • Height when on all fours: 25 -31 inches to the shoulder approximately
  • Head and body length (including tail): 100–122.25 cm
  • Weight: 70 – 105 pounds

Watch the Amur Leopard in the wild here:



‘Adopt’ an Amur Leopard through the WWF to support this endangered species!

Amur Leopard

– The Pallas’s Cat is a wildcat native to Russia and Central Asia, found in deserts with sandy or stony ground. The Pallas’s Cat belongs to the subfamily Felinae with other wild cats such as mountain lions, tigers and leopards.

Pallas' Cat

This cat has brownish fur on its back that turns white underneath. It can be as long as 40 cm (16 inches) from nose to tail tip. It can weigh up to 11 kg (24 pounds), but it usually weighs 5.5- 10 pounds. It has large paws that are semi-retractable and help it.

The Pallas’s Cat is rare because it is confined to a small area in the deserts of Central Asia.

– In 1977, only 19 Asiatic lions were found in India’s Gujarat State. Their rarity is due to hunting (the Asiatic Lion is hunted for its skin and teeth; many cultures believe that the Asiatic lion brings good luck) and habitat destruction.

Asiatic Lion

The Asiatic lion was once found in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Malay Peninsula, Myanmar, and Thailand. Today it is only found in India’s Gujarat State where there are around 400 of this wild cat left.

Other rare wild cat breeds are:

– The Iberian lynx, which is one of the most critically endangered species in Europe.

– The Ethiopian mountain cat has been hunted for its beautiful fur and spotted skin.

Which is the rarest?

The rarest wild cat breed in the whole world is the Amur Leopard.

​The world’s rarest wild cat, the Amur Leopard is also on the rebound. About 30 survived seven years ago in Russia, but now census data shows at least 57 of these cats have been counted and eight to twelve survive adjacent to China.

Which is the smallest?

You may be wondering what the smallest wild cat breed is. The smallest wild cat breed is the Rusty-Spotted Cat. For reference, the Rusty-Spotted Cat can weigh between four and six pounds. Rusty-Spotted Cats are found in India and the surrounding areas. In fact, they are considered a vulnerable species.

In contrast, the largest wild cat breed is the African lion which can weigh around six hundred pounds! It’s quite large, to say the least, in comparison to Rusty-Spotted Cats as well as other small wild cats like bobcats or ocelots.

Which is the deadliest?

However, did you know that the deadliest wild cat is not the lion? The Lion may rank highly for danger to humans, but the small Black-footed cats are not just one of the smallest wild cats in the world, they also happen to be one of the deadliest. 60% of all hunts lead to a dead prey animal – an impressive success rate for any predator, much less the tiniest members of their species!

To be sure, you would much rather meet a hungry Black-Foot than a hungry Lion, and that is completely understandable!

In Conclusion

The wild cats of the world are a diverse and fascinating group. From the small, tree-dwelling margays to the mighty African lion, these animals have adapted in many ways to their environments over time. Next time you’re out on safari or just looking at photos online, take some time to appreciate how amazing these creatures really are!

What wild cat breeds have seen? Do you have any adventures to share? Please fill us in below!


  • https://www.pumapix.com/wild-cat-species-world/
  • https://blog.nationalgeographic.org/2015/12/24/secrets-of-the-worlds-38-species-of-wild-cats/
  • https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/how-many-species-of-wild-cats-are-found-in-north-america.html
  • https://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?239771/Worlds-rarest-wild-cat-doubles-in-numberSourceshttps://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?239771/Worlds-rarest-wild-cat-doubles-in-number
  • https://wildcatsmagazine.nl/known-species-wild-cats/
  • https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/bobcat
shanaka tharinda
May 23, 2021

This detailed guide is a very important guide. In this blog post you can see what kind of cats there are in the world right now. It has been reported that there are many cats in Canada and the United States that are not found in Sri Lanka. These images help to identify cats. This blog post is very important to know about wildcats.

    May 25, 2021

    Yes, for sure. It is very interesting to see the cats from other areas of the world. We are often most familiar with the wild cats that are in and around where we live more so. For example, I had never heard of the jaguarundi!

    Thanks for your comment!

May 23, 2021

I definitely learned something new today, as I had no idea that there were so many different species of wild cats. The Canadian Lynx, for example, is one I have never heard of, but what an impressive-looking animal. At first, when I saw the picture I thought it was a type of wolf. Its ears look like they have antennae build into them.

The Jaguarundi is another cat that I have not seen before, and I think if I had to see one of these on a hike, I would be terrified.

Do you know if they eat snakes too?

    May 25, 2021

    I agree, the Canadian Lynx has very interesting antennae-like ears!

    And you are right in guessing that the Jaguarundi are known to eat snakes! 🙂

May 26, 2021

This was an interesting post. I have seen sources quote 40. I didn’t know that National Geographic stuck with 38. I have always wanted to cross my path with a Canadian Lynx. I believe we have even seen footprints when we have gone hunting in Yukon, but not yet the real thing.

    May 27, 2021

    There is some debate for sure over how many there are. I’d like to see everyone agree, but with all our new knowledge in the field of genetics, that might not happen too soon. 38-40 is what most people do agree on. 

    I have family that also hunt in the Yukon! That is definitely the place to be to see a Lynx. Even then, very difficult to see one, since they are so solitary and stealthy. I bet those tracks were one 🙂 

    Thanks for your response!

May 27, 2021

I did not know about the wild cats except for the lion and jaguar.

I appreciate learning about the others from you. I may be hearing some like the bobcat but did not really know how they look like.

Though not encountering in person, I cannot help but to have fear for the wild cats.

But I enjoyed watching your play time with the ocelot. It is amazing and one of a kind playing with a wild cat. It lessen the intensity of my fear.

Thanks for this informative article.

    May 28, 2021

    Hi Rose, thanks for your response!

    Some of the big cats are definitely fear-worthy! Others are more friendly towards humans, like the bobcat and ocelot. 

    As for the cougar- I definitely do not recommend going anywhere near one in the wild!

    The ocelot video is definately pretty entertaining! 

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